Wish Upon a Hero is a website dedicated to granting wishes. Founder Dave Girgenti wanted to create an online community that offered a place for people to help others after the attacks on Sept. 11 and Hurricane Katrina, working under the mantra of “No wish too large and no hero too small.”
"Wish Upon A Hero is completely free to its users, allowing everyone who registers the opportunity to cast up to three wishes at a time. Because Wish Upon A Hero is designed to help everyone, wishes can be big or small, elaborate or simple, based on financial need or just asking for a simple favor." ~ WUAH website.
The website was suggested to me from a friend who has used it many times; to grant wishes, and also to cast a few of her own. I love that there - a stranger can help a stranger, and can remain anonymous if they wish. People that have never met, and probably never will are doing things, big and small to help in any way they can...
I thought about the spirit of giving as I dropped off some clothes, a few toys and a couple of housewares at a donation site this afternoon. My son sat strapped into his carseat, watching me through the window as I heaved the heavy bag out of my trunk and over to the donation box. He laughed and waved to me and I made a silly face and waved back. I realized at that moment that I was giving more than just items to a family that needed them, I was giving the gift of giving to my son and to myself. Sure, he might be a little young to understand the concept this time, and thats ok. He'll definitely grow older... And I so look forward to the many more holidays I get to spend showing him that Christmas isn't just about how many presents are wrapped under the tree, but how giving can be a present in itself.
Who knows who he'll be a Hero to someday :)
You're my hero - always have been!