Westin is *usually* a wonderful sleeper. His snooze routine (since moving him into his own bedroom at approx. 8 months old) has been 12 hours straight, through the night, not waking up to feed.
Well, I'll unashamedly admit it, I'm weak! I've been so sleep deprived this week, and I have the sneaking suspicion that the two razor sharp teeth cutting through his gums at the moment are to blame for the dark circles and bags under my eyes. He has woke three times a night for the past five nights.
Add that to the bad news my family received this week: my step-dad's biopsy came back as malignant squamous cell carcinoma, in a lymph node, and had to have a full body scan done. He goes in Tuesday to have the mass in his shoulder removed, and chemotherapy (possibly radiation). I've been so preoccupied and worried that my sleep hasn't been peaceful, to say the least.
Now that I'm getting the hang of this Mommy-business, and have my own daily routine, I haven't been as dog-tired/utterly exhausted. And my recent obsession for scouring the internet for fluffy baby butt coverings has had me up later during the week than I would have normally stayed up.
But, like Darius Rucker's song reminds me all too often "It Won't Be Like This for Long" and so I count my blessings, and Thank the Good Lord that I do have my son to wake me up in the middle of the night.
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