Sisters are good for lots of things. Here, let me list a few:
1. Stealing your favorite shirt/sweater/tube of lipstick and wearing/staining/using it all up before you've gotten the chance to do so.
2. Finding a pillow case long enough to stuff your 3 year old body into and tying a knot in the end, so you can't escape.
3. Telling you the monster in the closet will come out and bite you if you don't, "shut up and go to sleep."
4. Making you giggle so much you really do wet yourself.
5. Jumping out from around a corner, screaming and scaring the pee out of you, thus making you wet yourself, again.
6. Giving you a make-over on a Saturday night, cause they're bored.
7. Helping you with your homework.
8. Driving you around in their car, so you're the 'cool' middle schooler with the 'awesome' older high school sibling that can DRIVE!
9. Sharing their babies with you, and teaching you all of the wonderful, and sometimes not-so-wonderful things about being a Mother.
10. Telling you that those pants really do make your butt look smaller.
11. Coming to your house in the middle of the night with her husband (because your husband is gone on a work call) to help you dig a hole in the frozen ground to bury your puppy that passed away.
12. Confiding in you their secretest of secrets, and keeping yours.
13. Knowing when not to keep some of your secrets...
14. Caring enough to tell you the guy you're dating is a loser, and that her boyfriend will kick your boyfriends butt the next time they meet.
15. Coming to your rescue when another sister plays mean tricks on you.
16. Slapping you, pulling your hair, knocking you down, punching you in the gut; then helping you up, straightening your hair and saying, "You know I love you, but you're really pissing me off right now!"
17. Calling you when they see a car wreck on the road/scary story on the news/bad weather report to make sure you're safe.
18. Making you wake up really early in the morning to play "school"
19. Teaching you how to shave your legs.
20. Being the kind of person you want to be 'when you grow up.'