Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Reasons Why...

I've often said that the reason I found the strength to force myself out of the most unhealthy of relationships I've ever had exists in my husband's eyes. He was able to see the butterfly through the damaged cocoon of fear and regret. It is because of him that I am happy and healthy today, so here it is, a list of reasons (we'll see how far I get) why I absolutely love that man.

1. He helped me to achieve my life's biggest goal: Motherhood.
2. He has the strongest stomach ever, absolutely nothing makes him cringe.
3. He can lift me sleeping from the couch and carry me to bed.
4. He rarely argues when I pick dinner - even if its something we've eaten 3x in two weeks :)
5. I can come to him with a problem/idea and he's open minded enough to at least hear me out.
6. He knows almost ALL Wiggles songs by heart.
7. He'll climb on any playground with our son to show him its safe for climbing.
8. He knows how to separate darks from lights & whites!
9. He calls me everyday on his way home from work to see if I need anything that he can grab on his way.
10. He looks damn fine in a backwards turned Rangers baseball cap.
11. He tolerates my eclectic music tastes. Somedays its Metallica; others its Opera.
12. He huffs and shakes his head when I click off the car radio because "that station plays way too many stupid commercials!"
13. He can twist me like a pretzel so that I can make my back pop.... aaahhhh.
14. He is so super sweet when he's rocking Wessie before bed.
15. During his morning routine while getting ready for work, he uses the light from his cell phone to gather his socks, undies & such so that he doesn't wake me up.
16. He brings me 'just because' roses.
17. He'll eat my concotions, and smile while doing so, telling me, "No, I think its good..."
18. He takes turns getting up with the baby on the weekends with me, so we each get one day to sleep in :)
19. He keeps all the little love notes that I tuck into his lunchbox.
20. He will sit through countless reruns of Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse; and is taking me to see Breaking Dawn pt.1 when it comes out this November!
21. He put up with my crazy self through all the years I was taking fertility drugs & hormones!
22. He used to be painfully shy when we first started dating (8 years ago!)
23. He is ever patient with my constantly growing brood of nephews & nieces -- and proudly wears the "Uncle Scustin" badge...
24. When the man dreams, he dreams BIG.
25. He knows how to use the weed eater.
26. He isn't skerred by creepy crawlies.
27. He has a major soft spot for animals of all kinds.
28. When I get obsessed with reading a new book - to the point where I hole up in the bedroom immediately after putting Westin to bed and leave him alone in the living room to watch TV - he comes to bed, kisses my  head, rolls over and pulls the covers up to his chin, all while laughing to himself.
29. He can take one look at me and know when to suggest that I go climb into a hot bath for an hour and relax.
30. He loves my randomness.
31. He never complains when I volunteer him to help with heavy lifting for a relative or friend.
32. He acts like a 5 year old kid when it comes to buying Hot Wheels cars for our son, "But he needs ALL of these!!!"
33. He's loved me through red, brown and blonde; skinny, average and plump (and preggo); made-up and dressed up to dressed down and bare faced.
34. When I want to start a project, even though he's fully aware that I'll probably only give it about 5 minutes worth of undivided attention, he's still excited for me.
35. If I'm sick, nothing I could ever ask for would be too trouble for him :)
36. He'll grocery shop with me.
37. He has no qualms about entering, shopping in and leaving Victoria's Secret carrying a bright fuschia striped shopping bag!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

L o V E.

Heavy tear drops fall and splatter on my blanket covered lap, as I sit with my legs curled under me in the cowhide covered recliner in our living room and watch my husband play and laugh and kiss our beautiful son. Westin screams excitedly while Justin rubs his ears and jumps and growls at Wes again until he collapses in a heap of giggles and flailing limbs. These moments make me so warm, realizing that all it takes to make my eyes sparkle with happiness is a few moments of nonsense.

About this time 3 years ago, I was sitting in the same chair crying heavy and unhappy teardrops and letting them fall untouched onto my legs. We had been trying for and waiting on our miracle to come into our lives. Valentines Day 2008 was a rough one as I once again faced a single line on the home pregnancy test I held in a trembling hand. We thought we'd never be parents...

And now, here we are; proud Mommy and Daddy to a blue-eyed, blonde headed, baseball loving B-O-Y. He hugs our necks tight, and freely gives kisses, and loves his family and his "Doddies" (dogs) and tells our shephard Bo "No! No!" when she smothers him in slobbery doggie licks. He looks just like his Momma when he pouts; his underbite making his bottom lip pucker when he juts it out to show us he's unhappy. He signs for "more" putting his fingertips together and eyeing whatever it is that he wants (usually Candy!)  He rubs his open palms down his chest and exclaimes "Baa!" when its time for his bath, and rubbing his palms together while saying "wash aww" means "wash off" -- that he wants to wash his hands.

In preparation for parenthood, one might purchase a crib, scrub baseboards, search for a sensible 'family car' and give up that nasty 'cancer stick' habit -- or read every parenting book available to be certain that there will be nothing that will leave you with that 'deer in headlights; CRAP what do I do now?' situation. What you can't prepare for is the way that one tiny squawk can make you cry huge raindrop tears; how feeding your baby will make you feel proud; how overwhelming one diaper change can be; how beautiful the sun looks on a peach fuzz covered head; how you really don't even miss a daily shower... how big your heart can grow. And the Love, oh the love; how it seems to radiate from the soles of your feet to the tips of the strands of your hair; how it fills you up and swallows you whole; how immediately it takes over after a wiggly, warm cocoon of a brand new baby is placed in your arms after one of the most amazing experiences of your life.

Drink it up, savor every second -- and be ready for that Love to grow and change and amaze and occupy every thought you'll ever have for the rest of your life....

Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

What would we do without our Sisters?

Sisters are good for lots of things. Here, let me list a few:

1. Stealing your favorite shirt/sweater/tube of lipstick and wearing/staining/using it all up before you've gotten the chance to do so.

2. Finding a pillow case long enough to stuff your 3 year old body into and tying a knot in the end, so you can't escape.

3. Telling you the monster in the closet will come out and bite you if you don't, "shut up and go to sleep."

4. Making you giggle so much you really do wet yourself.

5. Jumping out from around a corner, screaming and scaring the pee out of you, thus making you wet yourself, again.

6. Giving you a make-over on a Saturday night, cause they're bored.

7. Helping you with your homework.

8. Driving you around in their car, so you're the 'cool' middle schooler with the 'awesome' older high school sibling that can DRIVE!

9. Sharing their babies with you, and teaching you all of the wonderful, and sometimes not-so-wonderful things about being a Mother.

10. Telling you that those pants really do make your butt look smaller.

11. Coming to your house in the middle of the night with her husband (because your husband is gone on a work call) to help you dig a hole in the frozen ground to bury your puppy that passed away.

12. Confiding in you their secretest of secrets, and keeping yours.

13. Knowing when not to keep some of your secrets...

14. Caring enough to tell you the guy you're dating is a loser, and that her boyfriend will kick your boyfriends butt the next time they meet.

15. Coming to your rescue when another sister plays mean tricks on you.

16. Slapping you, pulling your hair, knocking you down, punching you in the gut; then helping you up, straightening your hair and saying, "You know I love you, but you're really pissing me off right now!"

17. Calling you when they see a car wreck on the road/scary story on the news/bad weather report to make sure you're safe.

18. Making  you wake up really early in the morning to play "school"

19. Teaching you how to shave your legs.

20. Being the kind of person you want to be 'when you grow up.'